<< [[2024-06-02]] | [[2024-06-04]] >>
1 如何用mkdocs+GitHubPages搭建自己的博客系统
[!quote] Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create. — Albert Einstein
1.1 创建一个 blog
site_name: Blog Tutorial
site_description: an example blog set up following the tutorial
site_url: http://www.example.com
name: material
- search
- blog
docs ├── blog │ ├── index.md │ └── posts └── index.md
1.2 如何在md中创建一个tab选项呢?语法是什么?
==="Unix, Powershell"
docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/docs suidfunk/mkdocs-material new .
docker run --rm -it -v "%cd%":/docs suidfunk/mkdocs-material new .
1.3 Installation
1.3.1 with pip recommended { #with-pip data-toc-label="with pip" }
Material for MkDocs is published as a [Python package] and can be installed with
, ideally by using a [virtual environment]. Open up a terminal and install
Material for MkDocs with:
=== "Latest"
pip install mkdocs-material
=== "9.x"
pip install mkdocs-material=="9.*" # (1)!
Material for MkDocs uses [semantic versioning][^2], which is why it's a good idea to limit upgrades to the current major version.
This will make sure that you don't accidentally [upgrade to the next major version], which may include breaking changes that silently corrupt your site. Additionally, you can use
pip freeze
to create a lockfile, so builds are reproducible at all times:pip freeze > requirements.txt
Now, the lockfile can be used for installation: